
books / articles / lectures / notes


Jelewska Agnieszka, Krawczak Michał (2019), Experimental Practices: Humanities and Arts in the Process of Modeling Knowledge for Data-Based Society, in: Humanities and Higher Education: Synergies between Science, Technology and Humanities. Higher Education in the World 7 Report, Global University Network for Innovation, ISBN: 978-84-09-14675-8, Barcelona 2019, pp. 347-349.

 Chwałczyk Franciszek (2020), Around the Anthropocene in Eighty Names—Considering the Urbanocene Proposition, “Sustainability” 2020, 12(11), 4458.

Jelewska Agnieszka, Krawczak Michał (2021), Elsensee-Rusałka. Spektrokartografie środowiska, w: Podróżować, mieszkać, odejść, red. B. Koncewicz, K. Krzak-Weiss, K. Kurek, A. Mądry, Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne, Poznań 2021, s. 217-258.

Krawczak Michał (2022), Counter-mapping with sounds in the practices of postdigital pedagogy, „Postdigital Science and Education”, Special Issue on “Postdigital Soundscapes: Sonics, Pedagogies, Technologies” 2022, (Springer, ISSN 2524-4868).

 Jelewska Agnieszka, Krawczak Michał (2022) Spectrograms of the environment: entangled human and nonhuman histories.In: Possibles. Proceedings of 27 International Symposium on Electronic Art / Alsina Pau [i in.] (red.), 2022, ISEA International, s.376-382, ISBN 9788408474592

 Jelewska Agnieszka (2023A) Postdigital Collective Memory. Media Practices against Total Design (forthcoming)

 Jelewska Agnieszka (2023B), Coronavirus in Times of the Late Internet: Compulsive Visualization and a Data-hungry Society. In: Sowa, W., Whyton, T. (eds.) Encountering the Plague (forthcoming)

 Jelewska Agnieszka, Krawczak Michał (2023), Spectral Archives of Nuclear Gaia (forthcoming)

 Postcollectivity. Situated Knowledge and Practice, ed. A. Jelewska, M. Krawczak, J. Reid (forthcoming)